[主要原料] 螺旋藻(经辐照)、淀粉(经辐照)、微晶纤
[标志性成分及含量] 每100g含:蛋白质42g、
[保健功能] 增强免疫力
[适宜人群] 免疫力低下者
[不适宜人群] 少年儿童
[食用方法及食用量] 每日3次,每次3片
[规格] 0.25g/片
[保质期] 24个月
[贮藏方法] 置于避光、阴凉、干燥处密封保存
[注意事项] 本品不能代替药物
[生产批号] 见罐底
[生产日期] 见罐底
[生产许可证号] SC12737050100020
[执行标准] Q/SDSLY 0001S
[委托方] 济宁生力源生物科技有限公司
[地址] 济宁市任城区安居镇东朱庄村村北
[受托方] 东营大振生物工程有限公司
[地址] 山东省东营市东营区东六路36号
[产地] 山东 东营
[总经销] 威海市银松生物技术有限公司
[总经销地址] 山东省威海市火炬高技术产业开发区火炬四街-7-2号207室
[电话] 400-6581330
This product is spirulina, starch, microcrystaline cellulose,silicon dioxide as the main raw material of health food,functional tests to prove the animal,it can enhance immunity.
[Main ingredients] Spirulina powder(After irradiation),
starch(After irradiation), microcrystalline cellulose
(After irradiation), silica(After irradiation).
[Function composition] Per 100g: Protein42g, beta carotene 66mg
[Function] Enhance immunity
[Suitable for] People with low immunity
[Not suitable] Children
[Direction] 3 times a day, 3 tablets each time
[Specification] 0.25g/tablet
[Shelf life] 24 months
[Storage] Store in a dark, cool, dry place, sealed and stored
[Note] It can not replace medicine
[Batch production] See the bottom of the jug
[Production date] See the bottom of the jug
[Production Licence] SC12737050100020
[Standards] Q/SDSLY0001S